Wednesday, January 29, 2014

“King Nothing”

You know what just occurred to me, that we are all a bunch of self-righteous sons of bitches, we all think that our opinions and how we live our lives is the only proper way to manage your time here on this planet.

For whatever reason, for example our church told us it was supposed to be that way, or our mommies and daddies taught us, regardless of why; we all believe that we wrote the book on how to survive this life.

War, abortion and/or who should and shouldn’t be able to marry are just some of the issues we feel we are the authority on, we believe we have the right to voice our opinions on these topics and that everyone should take notice and follow our advice, and for no other reason than the fact that we share the same living space.

We all do have the freedom of speech, at least in this country we do, but just because you have the freedom to voice what is on your mind doesn’t mean that it holds any significance, so feel free to say whatever you like but just don’t be upset if no one listens.

We are not as important as we believe we are, and without knowing the whole story and/or walking in someone else’s shoes before forming an opinion is a true sign of complete and utter ignorance and totally buffoonery, and is that how you want to be perceived.

So before you go around looking like a rodeo clown trying to get the bull’s attention, think twice about it and if it has nothing to do with you personally just mind your own business,  because if you do happen to open your pie hole you may just get the horns of the bull.

And for the record, when I say “you personally” I mean literally you, not someone you know and/or your kids, because we all know your opinion is based on your own personal bias and not the welfare of your children and/or friends and family, so stop lying like a cheap rug.

You don’t see a gorilla telling a giraffe how to live his life do you, of course not, they just go about their business and do what is right for themselves, and regardless of what you think we are no better than the animals we share this planet with, so take a lesson out of their playbook and just worry about yourself.

Before you go and tell me off for what I said, think about it logically, are you really as important as you think you are, does it really matter what you think about how someone else lives their life and how they manage their affairs, of course it doesn’t and if we are all honest with ourselves we will know this to be true.

So just like when we were kids and told to keep our hands to ourselves, the same could be said for opinions, keep your opinions to yourself unless someone asks for them.



  1. No. And I absolutely AM as important as all that.

    And if I was a giraffe and I saw a monkey picking on goldfish, I would DEFINITELY intervene and tell it what for.

    (I adore how kinda self-defeating this post, and this comment, are :) )

    1. You are too funny. Okay we'll make an exception for you, but only you, everyone else sucks.

    2. Thank you sir (and too right!)

    3. Aren't I always right...just saying.

  2. Um . . . have you actually seen my name . . .Queendivakat?! LOL! Love your post MJM and totally agree with you. If everyone would just live their own lives instead of trying to tell others how to live theirs, the world would be a better place. Either that or we all just need to drink wine and eat chocolate and have lots and lots of sex. :)

    1. You know what, the eating, drinking and having lots of sex way doesn't sound all that bad...just saying.

  3. Yes, we are all self righteous sons of bitches, the trick is when you don't like or agree with someone else, just let it go and don't say anything. I know people don't agree with me and I don't give a crap and when I see things I dont agree with I may roll my eyes and let it go. For the record though, I think that it is the giraffe telling the gorilla how to live and not the other way around. just sayin.

    1. Very well said my friend, live and let live and mind your own frigging business.

  4. I'm Queen of the World. Do as I say and act as I act and think as I think.

    That last picture is adorable.

    1. Only if I can be a er I mean king...too, otherwise go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on.

  5. Amen to this! Just this week there were some women talking crap about me that was totally untrue---just their opinion, but man oh man, next time they show up at my door they are going to get an earful about minding their own damn business and staying out of mine!

    1. You should have punched them all square in their grills...that's what I would have done. Bitches can't talk shit if they're eating a fist, just saying.

  6. That's why I like the "let's agree to disagree" philosophy.
