My mother, heart of gold, would do anything for anyone no questions asked. During her younger days she was one real bad mamma jamma, she was knocking bitches out with frying pans like as if she was on Tom and Jerry. She was a master manipulator, she could tell someone to go the hell in such a way that they were looking forward to the trip. She was using the Force long before Obi Wan Kenobi came on the scene.
My mother is a fighter, a real survivor. Sure she’s had her ups and downs, but who hasn’t. Honestly her biggest problem was the men she chose to be with it, and I use the term “men” loosely. She’s just like Elizabeth Taylor in style, class and marriages. I like to say that Father’s Day around our place is a real pain in the donkey because we have so many dads to buy for one could go broke just shopping for them.
She was with some real losers (to put it nicely), now I don’t believe God makes mistakes when he creates someone but he must have been under the influence when he made these guys, either that or he’s pulling one of those hidden camera gags on her. There have been many pretenders to the king’s throne throughout our lifetime but only one queen, and that’s my mother.
My mother’s siblings were also a piece of work, we had our aunts who when they were younger were actually pretty normal, it wasn’t until they got older and went all Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on us. One of my aunts, who we’ll just call Scamerella (here's her theme song) and no her name wasn’t changed to protect the innocent, but to protect my wallet because she is far from innocent but she will sue you like nobody’s business.
She a major pothead, she puts Bob Marley to shame. This nut job smokes more trees than a forest fire. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not against marijuana I personally think it should be legalized, but when it consumes your life and dictates everything you do then there’s a problem.
She will also sue you as quick as look at you, she’s part of the reason the rest of us can’t get insurance without breaking the bank. Honestly I’m afraid to walk down a narrow hallway with her, I’m fearful if I accidentally bump into her she’ll sue me.
What can I say about my uncles, they always keep things interesting. It wasn’t a (white-trash) party until they showed up, especially my druncles Jack and Jim or as I like to call them Jack (Daniels) and Jim (Beam) because they were twins, both bad alcoholics and with Jack Daniels and Jim Beam both being an alcoholic beverage it just felt right.
These two were great guys with a heart of gold, just like my mother, that is when they were sober but when they got their drunk on they put the “fun” in dysfunctional. My druncle Jack (Daniels) was actually a pretty mellow drunk, but Jim (Beam) on the other hand, he was a professional troublemaker and badass (liquid courage) when the alcohol was flowing. He is best known for the old chew and screw, which is where you order a bunch of food and drink then try to run out on the tab.
Well this is just a little sneak peek into my dysfunctional world, there’s much…much more…but I didn’t want to scare my readers away so I’m saving it for another time. All things considered though, as crazy as things were I wouldn’t change it for anything, because it made me the person I am today.