Monday, March 18, 2013

"Women, the Weaker Sex, I Think Not."

Women…not only are they fun to look at and to play naked wrestling with…but they are indeed the stronger sex.

Now for all the boobs out there (pardon the pun)…and I’m not talking about a woman’s chest here, but the stupid mindless buffoons who can’t put together a complete thought without the help of a Magic 8 Ball…I’m not just referring to physical strength but the overall complete package.

Take for example child birth…men couldn’t do that…I mean we cry like babies at the first sign of a cold.  Think about it…we all know God is no fool…that’s why he had Eve make Adam eat the apple…it wasn’t to “curse” women because he knew they could handle child birth…he just didn’t want men to endure it because he knew all we would do is whine about it.

Women also run the world…I mean who else but a woman could jump on the pole (the one at the strip club not the one in the pants…get your mind out of the gutter) and have men throw money at them like confetti in Times Square on New Year’s Eve. Let me try to make it rain while dancing on the pole…I would go to throw my legs up around it and end up sliding down and falling flat on my back right on the stage.

Fame…Look at Monica Lewinsky all she had to do was give the president a Ben and Jerry’s to become famous, now a man on the other hand has to try to shoot the president before anyone would remember his name. I can guarantee that more people know who Monica Lewinsky is then know who John Hinckley, Jr. is.

Advertising…when companies need to sell their product…who do they call on…a bunch of half-naked hot chicks that’s who…and us like a bunch of mindless sheep run out and buy what they’re selling. Stupid Axe body sprays…that crap doesn’t bring the women running…at least that’s what a friend told me anyway.

The bottom-line is this, woman are by far the stronger (for the most part anyway) are a bunch of punks...most of us could never go through what woman have to endure without crying like a newborn baby…it takes more than muscles to be strong...just saying.



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you very much...and glad I could help you smile.

  2. YOU ROCK for writing this. I agree 100%. Women are strong as hell. There was actually a study about why men are such whiny babies when they get sick and women rock that illness like a champ. It is because WOMEN DO NOT GET A BREAK. When we get sick we have to keep going. You cannot take a day off from being a mom or a housewife. Sick or not we are still going. SO FELLAS next time your wife or girlfriend is sick. GIVE THE WOMAN A BREAK! And when you get sick, SUCK IT UP DUDE!
    Intersting examples of strong women. I thing you proved more that men are morons led by their Johnsons more than anything else. :P

    1. I must agree...I am a man (at least that's what my mom told me)but I must be honest...women are the stronger sex.

  3. LOL good points all around MJM! Women do have to be tough...and especially when it comes to putting up with guys and their shenanigans ;)

