This piece is really just to question why, why do you smokers smoke, what’s the appeal? To me when I see someone smoking it looks like a cancer bomb about to go off, with the cigarette being the fuse. I just don’t understand with everything we know about these harmful little bastards why someone would consciously choose to fire one up.
I never smoked; I’m an L 7 (which means square to all you unhip people out there) so I never had the pleasure, or displeasure, of having one of those little smoking sticks hanging out from between my lips like as if I was sucking on a lollipop.
So I wonder, what is the appeal, do they really calm your nerves like some people say, do they taste “smooth” as the advertiser claim and/or does having one of those fiery sticks clutched in your hand make you look cool and all Fonzy like?
What made you decide to smoke, was it all the hype and/or peer pressure, the cartoon characters “pushing” them on you or was it just for something to do because you were bored? Maybe it was even something underhanded, like the big tobacco companies paying people off to smoke their product.
Are they like a pro wrestler who has you in an emotional bear hug? A girlfriend/boyfriend you love that you just couldn’t see your life without them and even if they did leave, you would stalk them like crazy, restraining order or not? Are they that addictive, would you ever suck a cocker spaniel for one if you were broke?
I find it crazy that people are running around blaming “big tobacco” for them smoking, that’s just as nutty as fat people blaming McDonald’s for them being fat. Stop pointing the finger people and put the blame where it belongs, which by the way, is on yourself.
These things seem like they are very powerful, a really hard habit to kick, at least from what I’ve witnessed from the sidelines. I mean there are patches/pills, electronic cigarettes and even support groups to beat this personal demon.
That just blows my mind, because I’m an overeater, and I’m not saying dieting isn’t hard, but I have never thought about wearing a pizza patch and/or eating an electronic cheeseburger. Now don’t go me wrong, a pizza patch sound de-lic-ious, but only if there’s no anchovies.
Also, those antismoking commercials are gross, disturbing, and should only be shown to smokers and people who are considering it. Nonsmokers, who know better than to smoke, shouldn’t have to endure that sickness.
Cigarettes should come in case where every time the smoker pulls out a cigarette it would play one of those commercials, we know they have the technology to pull it off, so why not.
I don’t want to be in the middle of dinner, watching Miley twerking on stage, and have one of them come on. I would lose my appetite with quickness and probably never be able to eat a triple bacon french fry cheese burger again without those images popping in my head again.
With all the health risks, and not just to you but also to people around you, and the chunk it takes out of your wallet, why keep doing it? What is it about cigarettes that keep you smokers coming back, why can’t you just throw them in the air and say muth humper I’m done and walk away without looking back?