Thursday, December 11, 2014


With all the recent events that have unfolded lately spotlighting the issue of racism in our society I thought it only proper that we speak about it, and hopefully with a lot of hard work and dedication we can squash it all together and see past the color of a person’s skin and accept them for who they are on the inside.

Let’s call it like it is, we are all racist in one way or another, at one time or another we have all been guilty of being racist.

Have you ever told a racist joke and/or laughed at one, have you ever used a derogatory term to describe someone of a particular race and/or have you ever felt uncomfortable around a group of people who weren’t the same race as you, if so you’re racist.

Granted because someone tells a joke at another race’s expense doesn’t mean they are going home and lacing up their Doc Martens and hailing Hitler, but nevertheless it is still racism.

We as a whole need to change the way we think.

Racism is not as “black and white” as we are led to believe, there is a lot of gray area that needs to be rectified too, that’s if we ever truly hope to make headway in the battle.

Some people want to make themselves look good by saying all the right things at all the right times but then when safely home behind locked doors (for the lack of better words) letting their true colors show.

Turn on any cable news talk show and watch every last one on the panel being as politically correct as can be; they avoid ruffling and feathers or stepping on toes.

This does not solve anything, all it does it put a band-aid on the problem with the hopes of it sticking long enough until thing simmer down.

Then we have the people who cry racism every chance they get, whether it’s warranted or not, without knowing all the facts and/or looking at the big picture.

These kinds of individuals just know that people of different races are experiencing difficulties and they carelessly and without regard for their actions want to add more fuel to the fire.

Al Sharpton is a perfect example of this, a true trouble maker in every sense of the word; of course he wants things to boil over because it justifies his position as the self-appointed mouth piece for African American people.

This man doesn't care about the people, but rather the color, where is he when a white person is wronged and/or mistreated because of the color of their skin (believe it or not it happens)?

He is nowhere to be found, so in all fairness he himself is a racist, and part of the problem not the solution.

Finally we have the individuals who feel the need to riot and loot because they weren’t satisfied with a particular outcome, completely uncalled for and it does nothing to help the issue at hand.

All you’re doing is hurting other innocent people in the process who had absolutely nothing to do with the outcome, and does that make things better?

If you want to do something, help out the family who you feel was wronged, show them that they are not alone in their time off need and that there are good people out there who are willing to lend a hand to help them rebuild their lives for the better.

Trust me I am 100% certain that most people who just lost a loved one would rather have a shoulder to lean on for support over people vandalizing and destroying everything in sight all supposedly in the name of the deceased.

This type of behavior tarnishes the memory of those who you claim to be fighting for, leaves the masses angry and even more hate filled than before, so all in all it is not the way to go.

Think peace; follow the example of some of the great leaders of our time such as Martin Luther King, Jr. or Mahatma Gandhi, these men were able to get their points across in a nonviolent, but meaningful and powerful way.

They led with peace and love not by an iron fist and fear, the spoke of truth and equality not with a forked tongue...just something to think about.

Being a white man I can’t say that I have ever felt the magnitude of its power firsthand; for the most part I have always been on the outside looking in, however I can clearly see the devastation it is bringing upon our society and our people as a whole and that does not make me happy.

We must all work together to kill this monster, regardless of race, because otherwise things are only going to get worse.



  1. This is hands down, the most awesome piece of truth that I've read in a LONG time! Thanks for speaking that truth about Al Sharpton, too. Wow.. just wow MJM - this is incredibly well done.

    1. You know me, I'm all about speaking the truth and calling it like it is.

  2. Well done, my friend. I see a lot of people pointing fingers, but I don't see a lot of people trying to fix the situation. I wish this would get out on a larger scale.

    1. Thank you very much. I totally agree with you, there is a lot of finger pointing but no positive actions, what's the point.

  3. Unfortunately, all we can do right now is to write and write and write about this. Television news and the sensationalizm it presents is perhaps one of the worst race card players of the bunch. Ratings will always be their ticket to more and more cash, so stirring things up will be their game. If they would set the example instead, perhaps the masses could see the benefits of working together as the human race, instead of whatever color they happen to be. Inch by inch, as it has been going since the 60's, it is a struggle that never ends. Good piece, my friend.

    1. Very well said my friend, and hopefully with all this writing we're doing it will eventually break the ice and start showing some progress.

  4. I forget where I read this but if society would keep breeding together until we are ALL the same race we can get past these distractions and address the true problem, the disparity between the 1% and the rest of.the world. How will they distract us without the race card?

    1. Joy, I know that National Geographic magazine did an issue on this a couple of years back.. estimated that by 2050 this scenario will play out - the though of what the new distraction will be after that...who knows? lol

  5. Good post! Please save it to rehash it during Black History Month and Hispanic Heritage Month. In my opinion, two of the biggest bullshit months there are. I feel that these months need to be abolished because it is a reminder that skin color is what is important.

    I feel that we have come far...but still have a long way to go.

    1. Amen to that my friend, very well said. The higher ups in this country will do anything to keep us separated.

    2. Wise words. Enjoy your writing and see you in Twitterland. Mothernatureisaman

    3. Thank you very much my friend, I really appreciate that.

  6. I have joined your followers. You might actually be more honest than I am and that's rare these days!

    1. I just call it as I see it my friend, no playing it safe or worrying about ruffling feathers. Thanks for the love and support my friend, I greatly appreciate it.

  7. Very well worded post. Sad to say racism will always be here, and it's not just in this country, but world wide. Honestly, I don't think it will ever go away sad to say. We can work to make things better though.

    Oh, and you forgot to mention that Al Sharpton is also a liar and a criminal. He is only in it for his ego. We all know that.

    1. Unfortunately my friend I do fear that you are correct, I wish I could say otherwise, but I would be lying if I did.

  8. Everyone needs to calm down and resolve problems together. We already have so many issues in this world and racism should not be another one. Also, for me I found that non-Whites are more racist towards me than the Whites in general. That's cause non-White people are not under the microscope all the time by the modern media and others. For example, in countries in Saudi Arabia, a White Engineer earns almost twice what a brown skinned or black Engineer earns. But this goes unnoticed cause Saudis are non-Whites.

    1. Very well said my friend, we do have way more important things to worry about in this world other than the color of one's skin.

      That is very interesting, I never would have thought that, but I guess it's one of the blind spots of being a white man in this world of ours, sometimes we can't see the bigger picture because it doesn't affect us personally.

  9. Damn, back in the 60s and 70s one always heard the campiest and most cliche "Polack jokes" from those of Polish ancestry, par-for-the-course.

    1. Times have definitely changed, my friend. In some cases for the better and unfortunately in some cases for the worse.
