Thursday, December 12, 2013

“A Relationship Maker or Breaker”

When you get into a new relationship certain things happen, you will have many firsts, some that will fade in time like a bad tattoo, and others that will get better with age like a fine wine.

There are some “firsts” however that nobody in the relationship wants to initiate, and not because it won’t feel good, but rather because you don’t know how well it will be received by the other.

You know when it happens that moment will be awkward, you know it will be uncomfortable, but if you ever hope to evolve as a couple you know sooner or later it needs to happen.

Now I’m not talking about the first kiss, the first “I love you” or even the first time you two engage in whoopie, I’m talking about the couple’s first fart, which if the timing is right will be magical and it will be a moment to remember forever.

The reason why the first fart is so important is because it can make or break a relationship, done at the wrong time and your gross and not the right one, done at the right time you're cute and a keeper…you’re a little stinker. 
All the glitz and glamour will fade the longer you’re in a relationship, but passing gas with the person you love never gets old, it sparks emotion, it gives you a sense of closeness and strengthens the bond you share as a couple.

No matter how it’s delivered or who dealt it, in the end both parties will know it’s a sign of true love, a term of endearment.

Sure it will smell fowl, the fragrance all depending on what the farter ate throughout the day, but that warm embrace will get you through many cold nights and linger as a constant reminder of how much you’re loved.

That warm and fuzzy feeling associated with love never really goes away, it just moves from the heart and into the stomach, and eventually out the anus as an expression of love and compassion.

When people talk about the power of love, well they’re not referring to those sweet little nothings that people do to seem cute and adorable, sure those things are nice, but they won’t keep you together for the long haul.

Being able to play the fart game with the one you love will keep you going strong, being able to stay with someone knowing how bad their ass stinks, shows that your relationship can withstand whatever is thrown at it.

So the next time you’re lucky enough to smell that nasty ass gas from that special someone, appreciate it and enjoy that lovely aroma to the fullest, because there are some people out there who have nobody and are left cutting the cheese all by their lonesome.



  1. Excellent post Mike. Plus a great photo.
    You're a real smooth one where the ladies are concerned. I'm sure there would have been a place for you as one of the gentleman in Downton Abbey!
