Monday, September 2, 2013

“You're So Rude; I'll Bet You Think This Blog is About You”

I can’t stand rude people, they drive me nuts, and I have wanted to introduce the bastards to the backside of my hand on more than one occasion. The only reason I haven’t is because I know that more than half of these crazies are packing heat and they’re not afraid to use it, with each slap I would be playing Russian roulette with my life, and I’m not having that.

What happened to this world, why are people so inconsiderate and nasty nowadays? Is it really because we don’t allow parents to beat their kid’s asses anymore; is it true that if you spare the rod you spoil the child? If that is what the problem is, then I say let the parents take the restraints off and start kicking some serious kid ass.

There should be some kind of law on the books where these kumquats would get a fine and/or even an overnight stay in jail, depending on the severity of the infraction, for being disrespectful and/or discourteous in public. If not that, then at least something that will keep them in check, make them think before acting.

Honestly I don’t even like to go outside anymore, because it seems where ever I step I run into one of these freaks, and dealing with them makes me want to pop their head like a pimple. If I knew I wouldn’t get into trouble, I would carry a wiffleball bat around with me and whenever someone stepped out of line I would beat them down like as if they were a piñata and we were at a Mexican celebration.

We have a rude epidemic on our hands, and we need to quarantine it before it gets any worse. What we should do is build a giant Walmart in every state, send out invitations to the grand opening to all these rude bitches, and once they’re all inside lock the doors and throw away the key, it would be like a prison for the rude.

You know what else we need, someone like Batman, but instead of him patrolling the streets and fighting crime, he could be patrolling the people and kicking the ass of anyone who is rude and/or obnoxious. Knowing he’s out there would be like a scared straight program for all these jack wagons, they would think twice before walking into someone and not saying excuse me and/or not holding the door for someone who is right behind them.

I tried to live by the motto, “when in Rome, do as the Romans do” but I couldn’t bring myself to be such an anushole, it just didn’t come easy to me, I guess it’s because my mother raised me better than that. I don’t know what to do, I’m at a loss, do I just ignore it and go about my business as usual or do I go all ape crap on these fools and risk landing myself in the joint or possibly even killed dead?

We all know it’s not going to change for the better anytime soon, so I’m just going to have to suck it up and let these fuckshits continue to be who they are, and not let it get the best of me. So I will continue to bite my lip and not say a word, just do my best to avoid these nitwits as much as possible.



  1. Ya know, once we left Florida, the ratio of rude bastards to those that wanted to kill them dropped dramatically. :D

    1. I could totally see that, Florida if full of rude bitches. I actually believe Florida is an acronym,it stands for:

      F - Fat
      L - Lazy
      O - Obnoxious
      R - Redneck
      I - Ignorant
      D- Dumb
      A- Asses

  2. I so agree with you! People are so concerned nowadays with being politically correct that they are letting others get away with rotten behavior. Everyone is too afraid to speak up. We are raising a generation of kids with a sense of entitlement. And yes, they are extremely rude and it drives me crazy as well!

  3. So, in order to combat the rude, you bring...rudeness! Well F*** you, buddy! Being rude for the sake of promoting kindness is like shagging for virginity. Ain't never gonna happen - ya gotta BE the change, you total asshat.

    1. He who has the biggest stick wins...or so I heard.

  4. I usually go the passive aggressive route- but that can be silly because then i am just as bad as them. Damn rude people!

    1. I hear you...these rude bitches making it bad for the rest of us.

  5. Honestly, I think if more parents were beating their children it would be a little better. I met my Dads belt plenty of times and I'll be damned if I don't use my manners all the time.

    1. Girl I couldn't have said it any better myself. I knew, without a doubt, that if I messed up as a kid I was going to get my butt handed to me...kept me from a lot of trouble.

  6. I'm not afraid to speak up. I'm a bitch, too, but only when provoked. For instance, in line at Wal-Mart on Saturday this old bat stood behind my son (who, by the way, was obviously busy helping his Mother, as he was unloading the cart onto the conveyor belt-yes children who help still exist you stupid bitch) and hemmed and hawed and huffed and puffed and blew out air and rolled her eyes, even stomped her foot.

    I just watched her with slight amusement until it was really getting on my nerves. I mean, really, shouldn't this old bitch be all smiles and beaming at my son, thankful that someone is actually raising a kid to behave like back in her day?

    Anyways, I finally spoke up and I said, "D, could you please move out of this lady's way? She obviously doesn't know how to say excuse me, nor how to politely get by. I'm tired of her tantrum."

    She passed by, avoiding eye contact.

    Take that!

    1. See I don't find anything wrong with that, your son helping you unload the cart or your comment to that lady, I would have done the same exact thing, on both accounts.

      My two girls (9-11) help out all the time, whether we are in the house or outside, and people look at us like we are crazy.

      What the poop has happened to this world, remember when kids would help their elders, without being asked, just because it was the right thing to do?

      People are nuts...I really wish they sold condos on the moon, because I would so be there.

  7. It's lack of RESPECT... now I have another song stuck in my head...

  8. The ones who get to me are the ones who are full of themselves and rude because they think little of others. Grea post!

  9. Rude people suck. But I'm having a hard time concentrating because MJ said fuckshits! OMG. Are my rude habits wearing off on you friend?

    1. I learned it from watching you! You're a bad influence.
