Friday, June 14, 2013

“I Need a New Drug…of the Pharmaceutical Kind”

We live in a crazy world…as if you didn’t already know that. I can’t believe what things have come to…this place is a can of mixed nuts…and not a classy can either; you know the kind with almonds, cashews and macadamia nuts…this can is full of just plain old peanuts.

I went to my local drugstore the other day…just to buy a drink…and I noticed a lot of things behind the counter that seemed out of place. Things like Sudafed, Krazy Glue and the most surprising Chore Boy. So of course me being the busybody that I am, I figured I would inquire within to see what was going on.

I was told these products…plus some others…where being used for drugs…and to purchase any of them you needed to show identification. They also told me that a record of your purchases were kept on file and depending on how much you purchased of one product or the other a red flag would come up and the proper authorities would be notified.

I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing…and honestly after speaking with the sales representative I started feeling all creepy and paranoid…thinking that they thought I was a drug user and/or dealer because I was asking these questions. I quickly dropped the subject…paid for my drink…and left with a quickness.

Stupid druggies…because of them we normal people can’t even buy things without feeling as if we’re doing something wrong and/or without having all our purchases scrutinized.  We should start a revolution…we need to take back what is ours and stop feeling like a prisoner…especially when we did nothing wrong.

This is what I propose (and no I’m not talking about your typical pot smoker here…but all those other crazy druggies out there, including alcoholics)…we need to lock them up (possibly somewhere in Washington D.C. so they can be around all their other criminal buddies aka politicians) and beat them all silly with Nerf baseball bats and other assorted accessories.

We need to show all these criminals…politicians and druggies alike…that we are not going to take it anymore. We are not just going to roll over and play dead…we are not going to just do as they tell us…we are going to do something about it for gosh darn sakes!

Well okay…we are going to take it…because of course there’s really nothing we can do about it…but it sound good didn’t it. We don’t have to be happy about it though…and to show my disgust I may just go loiter outside of their establishment…that’ll show them.

All in all I think it’s kind of funny…you can’t but Sudafed, Krazy Glue or Chore Boys from a pharmacy without being carded and recorded…but on the same token these are the people who are shoveling out “prescription” pills like as if they were candy. I guess they are just trying to eliminate their competition.

So what did we learn…crack, heroine and meth are bad…but Xanax, Percocet and Oxycontin are all okay…that is of course if you have a prescription.



  1. As you've well discovered, the only thing that changes with age is the source from where you procure your high! (Unless you live in a marijuana legal state) Now, to get narcotics legally, you have to take a drug test. I guess the next time you go to get your prescription filled, your drug test will show you on narcotics and they'll turn you down! Time to move to Amsterdam! Good Post

    1. Hmmm you make a very good point...when we're younger the streets get us high...then when we're older the doctors get us high...I guess everyone just wants us high. It's probably to keep us quiet...keeps us from thinking and trying to better ourselves...those bastards!

      Thanks for stopping by sir.

  2. It is crazy that buying super glue to reattach Ken's head back onto his body can make you feel like an ax murderer. And for the record I was not the person to decapitate Ken!

  3. That's true. It's strange that an innocent thing like glue can feel sinful, no thanks to some druggies! Thanks for sharing this truth!

    1. Amen to that...stupid drugies and their habits.

  4. First... what were you doing outside of the Twinkie aisle? Ha ha ha! Yeah... these druggy bastards have even made eating paste dirty! Thanks for ruining my childhood druggies!
    You're the funniest man at the drugstore Michael!

    1. Twinkies...there no more my friend...they are all gone and forgotten.

      Mmmm paste is good...lip smacking...or should I say sticking...good.'re just saying that.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Well if you have a *thing* about prescription (and non) drugs at the moment, I feel it's the ideal moment to refer you to one of my favourite spoof songs by the ever-wonderful Amateur Transplants. Please, if you do nothing else, do check it out - it's called 'The Drugs Song' -

    1. Very funny...thank you for sharing. By the way...I don't have anything against these drugs...I think it's funny watching stupid people jacked up on them...keeps me amused.

  7. What they should put behind the counter are the ding-dongs and booze, but noooo that's OK. Jeez!
