This morning I was trying to brainstorm to come up with something clever to blog about...but it wasn't even drizzling...actually there were no clouds was bright and sunny in my brain and I had nothing to say.
I figured chatting with some of my friends online, who are also in the business, would help me come up with something good to blog about. So with my Pepsi Max in hand...which is the breakfast of champions, just in case you didn't already know...and sporting my Incredible Hulk underoos that I had since I was a kid, sure they're a little snug and look like they were dipped in chocolate and soaked in lemonade, but gosh darn it they're comfortable...I headed over to the computer to start chatting.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to resolve my problem, my writers block stayed intact, but I did have a fantastic time chatting with one of my blogging buddies....who by the way can be found right here Terrye Toombs. After all was said and done and I finally got up the energy to get up from my computer chair, I went outside to face the day.
I wasn't out for too long because that big stupid yellow glowing ball in the sky was blinding me and the "fresh" air was chocking me, so I went back inside where it's safe...and away from those crazy bastards knows as homosapien...frightening creatures if I do say so myself.
The short time I was out, picking up my $5 hot and ready pizza from Little Caesars...and yes, before you ask I did spring for some of that ever so tasty crazy bread...I must have contacted some germs because I started feeling like poop. Now I sit here at my desk, bundled up from top to bottom and now sporting a onesie...sneezing and sniffling...I type this piece to you, my loyal readers...who would be lost without me.
I hate being sick...but I do love the chicken soup and I guess you have to take the good with the bad.