Thursday, June 6, 2013

“When Animals Attack”

Most people are stupid by nature…we all know this…and for those of us who can actually put together an intelligent thought without the aid of a shepherd…watching these stupid people in action is a great way to entertain ourselves.

One of the funniest things these people do is mess with wild animals and/or attempt to keep them as pets…it’s like watching Wile E Coyote set a trap for the Roadrunner…you know it’s going to blow up in his face (sometimes quite literally) so you just sit back and wait for the fun to happen.

Now first the pet thing…I never really understood having a pet that you couldn’t really…well um pet…and also kill you if they so decided to…like spiders, snakes and scorpions (which kind of sounds like the marshmallows in an evil version of Lucky Charms if you ask me).  Also monkeys…what in the poop flinging primate are these people thinking…if you want a small human like companion then adopt a kid…you’ll be doing the world a solid.

Next, incorporating wild animals into your show…not really a smart thing to do…just for your information, that bear you are about to sit down and interview…he wasn’t just stealing picnic baskets with Boo Boo at Jellystone Park.  That tiger you’re trying to get to balance on a ball…well he isn’t the spokesperson for Frosted Flakes…he will eat you if he gets the chance…all the while thinking to himself, “people…they’re gr-r-reat”.

Another stupid thing people do when it comes to wild animals…they invade their personal space then get all perturbed when these animals treat them like a piñata at a fat kids birthday party or as takeout. For example…the ocean…there are sharks out there…big dangerous hungry sharks…and we know this, we all saw Jaws, yet we all still go swimming…then get annoyed with the shark because he sampled the menu. The shark is not the one at fault here…it’s not like he came into your house covered in tartar sauce…you came into his house just asking to be bitten…just like a human vampire groupie.

I know this may sound harsh…but I don’t feel sympathy for anyone who messes with a wild animal and gets the stuffing beat out of them and/or killed dead…if anything I’m in the animal’s corner holding up a sign which reads, “I got jungle fever” and screaming like a little girl when Justin Bieber steps out onto the stage.

I also can’t stand when these “wild” animals go all normal (not crazy because they are just following their instincts) and kill and/or severely injure these fools and they kill the animals…I say screw that…kill the morons who were trying to play with them, who were keeping them as pets and/or invading their personal space…they’re the ones who deserve to be put down.

Where’s that crazy, “leave Britney alone” guy…the one who was crying like a beotch on YouTube…we need him to release a new video…this time telling all the freaks to leave the animals alone.



  1. And he is BACK!!!! Nice to read you.

    We recently had the cops shoot a bear in a tree because he MIGHT have fallen onto the tracks or disrupted traffic on the Pike. Meanwhile Piping Plovers have shut down half a dozen beaches.

    Which goes to show you man is the fool here not the animal.

    1. You know I'm not going least not without a fight...I'm like a bad case of jock itch.

      Amen to sucks. We build all over the place and expect the animals to just know to pack up and leave...aren't we ignorant.

  2. Nice to read you again! I also, feel that the humans are the stupid ones, with the wild animals on top of the pyramid- unless it's Maury Povich's show.

    1. Amen to that...actually we aren't even on the pyramid...we are under the pyramid.

  3. So damn true. I have owned several exotic pets over the years and have had the shit bitten out of me a few times--but I deserved it at the time. They're wild animals, for gawdsakes. Just because I adore kangaroos doesn't mean I'm going to adopt one---he'd beat the stuffing out of me. Try explaining THAT to your friends at work the next day...

    1. Girl...we need more people like you in this world...honest and a realist...I freaking love it. If you so choose to own an exotic animal then be ready if they decide to go...well wild.
